Im a newly qualified physiotherapist considering beginnning the application process for Canada. Can anyone update me on the current situation there (timeframes for credentialling, sitting exams, actual practice)?? Any Irish physios working there-are there many gaps in our degree (Many additional courses required to gain registration)? I was quite eager to begin the proccess however having read some of the recent posts the situation there and particularly with the alliance looks quite bleak. Is this really the case?
Thank you!
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Around 2 to three years, depending if you pass the exams first time.
peterkilmeena (10-09-2014)
The credentialing process took me just over 12 months, I believe it is a lot quicker now. My uk degree was fine, I did not have to do any extra courses other than the Canadian context course that every applicant has to do which was very easy. It also depends I think if you have a BSc(hons) or the old Dip.
You can find all the information on the Canadian alliance web site. The hard part is passing the two exams. They are very different to any thing we have done in the UK. You can take a course at the uni of BC on line which helps.
Good luck,
Can I ask you with regard to the first stage of professional registration, the credentialing process, what is your knowledge of UK physiotherapy degrees being successful? What was your experience?
peterkilmeena (11-09-2014)