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  1. #1

    Working in Ireland and Norway

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job
    I'm a South African Physiotherapist with 2 years working experience. Currently working in a multidisciplinary orthopeadic practice in South Africa.

    I would like to work in Norway/ Ireland for a year or two. Does anyone know anything about job availability there and if any special exams/ registration is needed. I did a 4year degree.


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  2. #2
    Hi saphysio

    I have been working in England for 4 years and would like to give you some advise.

    Before you can actually look for any jobs you have to be state registered with the countrie's professional body, in Ireland's case, The Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapist. If you trained outside the EU, they have to assess if your degree is up to NARIC standards. The following website might be usefull: www.overseascareer.com. There is alot of information on how to register and what the criteria would be to work in Ireland or Norway.

    Just curious, why Norway?? I have met alot op physios in England form the Scandanavian countries who studied in the UK and work here now. Try to find out what the recognition status of physios are in Norway..

    Hope this help.
    Good luck

  3. #3
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    To work in Norway: Do you speak Norwegian? If not prior to think about applying you should be able to have some understanding. The majority of Norwegians do speak english fluently but it is a must by Norwegian Law to speak the language.
    Depending on your background you might have to work for up to a year under supervision. If you have a English diplome of physiotherapy it won't be a problem but I dought if they recognise a 'common world' diplome. This means you have to go through a period of training, which might include as well theory, which means.... you have to speak and write Norwegian.
    Then last but not least, you have to find an employer who is willing to take you on board with all the hasards you bring. While he/she would be able to have a, fully trained and recognised by the state, Norwegian. Employers have by the way a state contract. (Last socialist country in the world with a state church as well)
    The reason why so many Norwegians are not going back straight away is because they as all famous norwegians spend their most productive years abroad. Read Ibsen and you will have a good idea what it is all about.
    If you really want to try, contact the Norwegian ambassy, you will find them most helpful.

  4. #4
    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job
    Thanks for your replies, really appreciate it!!
    My husband applied for a job in Norway and I wanted to know what the possibilities are for a South African physio to work there.
    He didn'n get the job so we will be staying in sunny South Africa for now!!

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