I'm a final year BPT student...am planning 2 do my internship in Bangalore.Saw ur thread...Is it possible 2 get part time pysio jobs while doing interns..plz help..my id is vindin_84@yahoo.co.in
thank u
dr. sandeep dhar
call me for home visits in bangalore for physiotherapy treatments
9964032436 is my number
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I'm a final year BPT student...am planning 2 do my internship in Bangalore.Saw ur thread...Is it possible 2 get part time pysio jobs while doing interns..plz help..my id is vindin_84@yahoo.co.in
thank u
where are u from and from which college u did ur bpt from ...though bangalore is a good place to be ...u haver to go thru a lot of struggle to get a job as u already know the state of it anywhere else./...always do internship from place whr u can set up future setup or so ....because u have to make field there...so my advise work whr u planning to settle down
Thank u...I am doing final year BPT in AWH Special College,Kerala.Most probably i will b doing internship in Bangalore..thats why i had askd u for help....anyway thanks 4 the reply
dnt be thankful ....well do ur internship from here ....there r good hospitals ....so u can come here and try out ....let me know for any further assistance
Do u know about Columbia Asia Hoapital in Hebbal...Is it a good one to do internship??????Any othr suggestions abt good hospitals????
ya i know that hospital very well ,...take my reference to deepa a senior physiotherapist working there ,..
other hospitals are
columbia asia , yeswanthpur,
sagar apollo
narayana hrudylaya
m s ramaiah( m working here )
so its upto u to choose
Thanks 4 the suggestions....I still hav'nt decided abt the hospital...but it will b defenitely one among those....My exam date has;nt com....How is M s Ramiah????
hi sandeep
m from punjab and having 1 year experience as a physiotherapist.actually now m planning to shift to bangalore.can u tell can i get good job in bangalore in my field relevent to my experience.my e mail id is dear_ritu9@yahoo.co.in .let me know as soon as posiible.