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  1. #1

    cough assist vs breath stacking

    have used cough assist device which is very effective with some patients
    apparently there is some american technique called breath stacking - not to be confused with the problem of the same name that can occur with mechanical ventilation - where a patient has breaths delivered from another person or themself via a resus bag and face mask, in order to get to total lung capacity and then an assisted cough in the normal way (ie hands on).

    anyone used this? think it would work? have a resp specialist nurse who's keen to investigate it.

    i can see that it would not work for anyone with significant chest wall stiffness

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  2. #2
    liz buckman

    breathe stacking

    TRy Researching Autogenic Drainage.
    Birmingham ? Heartlands, UK were doing a lot of good work

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