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    Right Ankle Sprain

    Hello all, I am looking for some help. I slipped and fell on the 2may08 and ended up with a sever right ankle sprain. I have gone for 4 x-rays, 1 Wikipedia reference-linkMRI. They showed that I tore legiments and tendons on the outer side of my ankle. I was in an aircast boot no weightbearing for 2.5monts and started physio 1june. I was off work from 2may to mid november. I have gone through 3 types of ankle braces. I have bruising still on the back of my calf and on my foot right below the toes. Since being back to work I can only work 3day 8hrs days in a row without paying the price for the next 4days. I still have swelling and pain in my ankle. In the last month I now have pain starting in the ankle and going all the way up my calf muscel (side), it is ongoing and I never get relief from this. I am waiting to see yet anther orthopedic surgon, the first told me that this may take a yr to heal and after the year then she may do surgery. On what I am not quit sure. I am curious as to what is going on and why the bruising, pain, swelling etc. I forgot to mention that I did physio 2times per week since may and now physio says that there is nothing more they can do for me. Help me please. I need some answers and I want this to be over.
    Thank you to everyone for your replies.

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    Re: Right Ankle Sprain

    Hi jjon915

    You mentioned that you tore the ligaments and tendons? Did they say how badly torn as there are many different types of grading for tears of ligaments?
    Sever tears can take a long time to heal as well as the Dr said but what is worring is the fact that they are using a wait and see policy with it. yiu seem to have dine the right thing and decided to get a second opion for it. AN opperation would have been best if it was a complete tear as it would be unlikly for the ends to re-attach are you applying ice to it at the moment and doing any movement exercises?
    Cheers Rob
    (soory for raising more questions when your looking for answers)

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    Re: Right Ankle Sprain

    Must have Kinesiology Taping DVD
    Thanks for the response. The Dr. didn't say how bad they were, she just said that it was torn in 2 spots. I am applying ice. I have been doing my theraband exercises etc. My physio person told me not to do them on days that I have to work so I havn't been. Some days my ankle is so soar that I don't do them at all. What is troubling me is the pain that I have been having for the last good month that shoots up my leg and never goes away. I have been getting a massage therapy done on it every 3wks as well. I have been taking anti inflamitories to help ease the pain. I am at a lose. I hope that helps.

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