Dear Mr.
I am a brazilian physical therapist and acupunctor.
Due to the poor results obtained through conventional treatments in the disk pain and lumbar pains (back ache), I have been researching new forms of conservative treatment.
Recently I could see in the Internet on Nubax, a traction device developed by an Australian company.
I got in touch with the company to request more information, and scientific works on the device, however the obtained answer was not satisfactory.
I would like to know if you have information about the device effectiveness. If it is really used at physiotherapy clinics and which the real results.
Do you have some other information on devices and/or new forms of disk pain treatment, lumbar pains?
Thank you, very much.
Dalton Y. Kina Pt.
Hollus Clínica
fisioterapia acupuntura
R: Aracaju, 885 Centro
15801-250 Catanduva-SP
Brasil 17 523-9966 522-0847
[email protected]