Quote Originally Posted by Rwanx100 View Post
Can anyone help me to answer these questions?

1) What would you do if you go out to see and patient and they are on the floor and confused?

2) Patient has fall and has a painful R hip. They have a chest infection. List of obs given. I was asked how would I assess this patient and what treatment would I implement?
If this in a community setting then as an OH &S issue you would ring the ambulance. In order to assist the ambulance and also reassure the patient you would also check some basic first aid things, that is ABC airways, breathing, circulation, then check comfort of patient while awaiting an ambulance. Then get relevant details from an administrative perspective such as name, time, address, access to property. This is out of the league of the community physio as in a likely fractured hip and needs a hospital admission. In a way a trick question.