It is difficult to comment upon your condition as you are here to inquire as a patient. For a proper pt condition presentation a history or Subjective Examination and a clinical examination or objective examination is very necessary. Only after that a suitable plan of treatment can be outlined. It is a better to consult a local physiotherapist there so that you condition is properly assessed.
The commonest cause of neck pain is usually a cervical disc syndrome. However, other serious causes of neck pain should be analysed and ruled out. Briefly they can be categorized as under:
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Pyogenic Arthritis
Tuberculous Arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis
Primary spinal tumours
Secondary spinal tumour or metstases
Cervival sprain and strains
Cervival disc syndrome
Cervical myofascial pain syndromes
Throracic Outlet syndrome
Cervical Sponylolisthesis
Spinal fractures & injuries and dislocations in cervical region
A spinal traction is not indicated in all conditions and has only recommedation in which it is suitable.