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I'm at my wits end. I strained the back of my knee in Feb 2006 (almost 18mths) while out for a run, approx. 15 stone at the time, now 17stone. Stopped, stretched it and kept going. The next morning while swimming (preparing for the triathlon season) the back of the knee became very sore. Rested for 2-3weeks but the pain presisted.
It was at about this point I seen a physio, and am still seeing, who said it was a strain of the two hamstring tendons as they join the shin bone, 4 weeks you'll be fine. I've since had an knee MRI, spine MRI (with some disc compression, but nothing to be concerned about), X-Ray, Ultrasound scan, steriod injection and a Nerve conduction test of the left leg. I've seen a Ortapedhic and a sports injruy specialist. It's not a Bakers Cyst, ligaments and tendons are fine in the MRI. Nerve test was clear. But nothing has changed. I still have this constant dull pain with a little swelling at the back of the knee, just at the point where the skin folds, and below, in the centre not to the sides. When phsyio presses on the hamstring tendons at top of the calf, below the knee line it's very very sore in one little area, no bigger than a 10p peice.
If I do any cycling, running or swimming it gets very sore, but only after, not too bad during. Worst is a spinning class, very very sore for 2-3 days. Probably caused by all the out of saddle cycling. I can do hamstring curls and calf raises without pain, maybe a little but nothing major. We (physio and sports injury specialist) thought maybe a popliteal strain of the muscle or tendon or tight neural tissue. When I do a neural stretch, (sitting on bench, chin in chest, back straight, toes pointing up, and I straighten the knee the left leg does not have as much movement as the right.
Physio has noted I have hyper-extending knees. Not a big amount, he thinks this is not letting the injury heal.
We've tried RICE, strapped it up for about 5 days, slight improvement, but then back to normal constant dull pain. Next step is to stick in a camera and look at the popliteal, hamstring tendons and that general area.
Can anyone HELP!! Any idea's or suggestions??
The only thing apart from sticking in a camera I can think of is to put it in a brace for 2-4 weeks to let things settle down, or purposely make it very very sore for the camera going in.