Hi all,
I'm 48. I get chronic tension on the right side of my neck and right upper trapezius area causing headaches. It occurs almost immediately on performing a radial deviation - type movement (right-to-left) lateral movement of my right wrist with a mouse or, more severely, when playing guitar (during the up-picking action). I don't think it's a guitar technique problem as I've been checked by a guitar teacher, and have tried following 'The Principles of Correct Guitar Practice' book which focuses on posture and relaxation.
Radial deviation with my right wrist (it's fine with left) is extremely stiff unless I effectively push my arm towards the hand as I perform it - the tension induced is then less severe. However, if I hold the elbow position fixed in space when performing it (which is necessary to play the guitar as intended), I feel a pulling sensation on the right side of my palm and right underside of my wrist. This provokes tension very quickly and the right side of my neck will be so tense it feels like tense elastic stretched down to my shoulders and even resists turning my head to some extent. The sudden headache will cause me to feel the need to sleep immediately.
I've seen an osteopath twice, but she only offered hope of remedial treatment for tension, telling me to give up the guitar. But since I can reproduce the tension without a guitar (simply doing a radial deviation and not allowing my arm to move towards the hand) and I noticed the problem the first time I picked up a guitar aged 14, it seems there's another issue to be addressed (+ I want to play the guitar). She thought I might have a shortening of tendons (I did fracture my right thumb at the base, at around age 12, and radial deviation was then tender and I avoided it for some time).
I had managed to play guitar (badly) for years by pressing my forearm on the body of the guitar (unconsciously), which seemed to isolate the right shoulder/neck area to some extent from tension when using the wrist (badly - because of the stiffness when the arm isn't free to assist the radial deviation).
To complicate things, I've recently attempted playing from the elbow without a wrist action - which is actually the first stage of right arm practice from 'The Principles of Correct Guitar Practice'. But even these exercises performed in slow motion with constant monitoring of neck and trapezius tension still leave me with extreme neck tension on the right side for a few days afterwards; although, it'd be much worse and last at least a week if I was using the wrist as well.
Any theories, suggestions e.g. nerve/tendon glide exercises... cut my s*dding arm off etc.? I'm in S.E. UK Btw.
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