Hi everyone, my name is Sean
I am currently in week 20 of royal marines commando training and am 20 years old.
Sadly i have suffered a lower back injury which means i am going to be medically discharged. I was hoping to get some advice or help on a choice i have to make to do with my treatment;since it will greatly affect my chances of joining the armed forces again in the future and the possibility of physical training in the future.
The pain started in early october 2007 and persists to date. Originally, when I got the pain it ran down my left leg (can usually feel it towards the back). As well as this, i tended to get the pain when moving from lying to sitting and sitting to standing, however, the pain would dissipate after walking around for a minute or two. The only flexing problems i have are when i flex fowards to touch my toes when standing - or others which are of the same nature as that ie. sitting upright with legs out in front.
A physio on camp gave me stretches to do and cv training ie. staionary bike. However, nothing alleviated the pain, just agrivated it a bit sometimes.
After seeing an oesteopath my pain was greatly reduced so i no longer feel the pain getting out of bed, or when standing up (or when i do, it doesn't make my leg wants to give way)
MyMRI results said the following:
L4/5 and L5/S1 discs have dehydrated disc bulges which are described below. The remainder of the discs appear normal. The vertebral bodies appear normarl with no focal lesions. The alignment is preserved.
Conus and causa equina appear normal
L2/3 no disc bulge, nerve root or thecal sac compression
L3/4 Mild broad based disc bulge. No nerve root or thecal sac compression.
L4/5 There is a posterior annular tear and a large focal disc bulge tending to the left which is mildly compressing the thecal sac and is also compressing the right L5 nerve root in the lateral recess
L5/S1 Focal disc bulge tending to the left compressing the left S1 nerve root in the lateral recess.
In order to stop the pain and give me a future where i can be physically active (ie.e runnning/sports etc.) i am being referred to a consultant about surgery. I am willing to go for the surgery so i can get back on track to join the navy/do sports. I was wondering what anyones thoughts might be to my results and surgery - whether my injury could get worse after op etc.
Thankyou very much for reading (if you got this far) if you know of anything or anyone i can get in contact with inorder to get more information on the subject i'd be delighted to hear from you.
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