My Chest always was my bad bodypart!But I remember before the bodybuilding I did push-ups (floor) and they pumped crazy my chest!I did Bench Press with bad form and you know most gym rats will tell you for the Chest - Do more Chest Work,More Sets,More Reps,Pre-Ex! I learned too later my lesson for the back!
For the Back as well is important to pull the shoulder first (shoulder blades) not only to pull with the elbow!
Yes it can be!May be weaker right side muscles and they can't control and move shoulder blade as it suppose!I agree I have imbalance in my muscles!
But It can be the result from weak right side and rear delts - I think they are result from my right shoulder strange shape and problem!
Does this cause trouble lifting?
I now do bench press very often!I suppose my shoulder blades are winged and with rounded shoulders - It is bad idea to bench press!I can't feel my chest at all!Absolutely no feeling in them - all chest exercises!
I would like to suggest reducing the frequency of your chest workouts. Current research suggests that Muscles (taxed from working out) can take up to 7 full days to fully recover (as indicated by blood serum profiles of key cellular metabolites). This one step will not only reduce the imbalance that you are getting it will lead to MAXimum muscle growth and hypertrophy. Research is very vague in regards to building muscle, but I guarantee you what you read in the Magazines is WRONG.
The Form: Chest Up,Elbows Out,Shoulder Blades together,Arc in Lower Back!But I can't feel my chest on flat bench!I feel stretching on Incline Bench Press, but I loose the feeling on way up (when pushing)!
I think wide shoulder blades and weak muscles (rhombois and traps) responce for this problem!
I never lock-out at the top by the way (this will activate the triceps and will pull the shoulders too forward)!
Shoulder Wide to Wide GriP!
I want to suggest something here. Firstly start with no weight on the bar, and grip it at a comfortable width. RETRACT as in pull your shoulder blades (scapulae) together - the opposite of rounding your shoulders forward. Your shoulder blades need to be grounded into the bench before any pressing movement so that you can transfer maximum force to the bar. Then with the bar with no weight on it, try varying your grip and varying the position you bring the bar down with. Do this slowly and find a position that causes no sound to occur. If you can not bring the bar down all the way to the chest, then take this as a sign of low flexibility and just work from there. Additionally, do not use a heavy weight at the moment we need to retrain the proper muscles to recruit during this pressing movement.
Yes primary Rows!THe Doctor suggest me to train swimming but Now i don't have time for second sport!The swimming is great sport by the way!
I don't think this will alleviate your problem, I am a muscle balance and function practitioner and my problems never really went away until I used the program on myself.
I don't have workout plan!I have enough experience and knowledge but till I can't feel my all body parts - it will be impossible to do normal workout plan!Nutrition and Recovery as well are very dynamical for me!
For example If I train the chest but I fail to hit them (because my problems) It will crash my workout plan!
Now my basic plan is to train 2-3 times weekly the back and 1-2 legs!
ABS,ForeArms -little muscle groups!
I feel you are training chest too many times per week. Remember any time you perform Triceps on one day you are already working them out again on Shoulder day and Chest day. Your muscles need time to recuperate and will only get this with a well structured workout plan. If you fail to plan, then plan to fail.
I'm very happy because you are iron brother too and I'm sure you understand better bodybuilding type problems!
I'm sorry to say that there is so much non-sense in the magazines and on the internet the Truth is hard to come by. Although muscle balance is somewhat an art form, there is only the Scientific approach that I am presenting to you
I am unsure, it could simply be the camera angle, lighting, or different position of the arm.
HORRIBLE!I don;t fully understand this things but they are horrible!What is the treatment - SURGERY?[/B][/COLOR]
No not at all, all I am suggesting is that the biomechanics of the joint may not be proper.
Movements: Barbell Bench Press (simulation);Flyes (Simulation) - both when the chEst are Up and the Elbows past the line behind the body!
Rotator Cuff exercises too!
Sometimes It just click when I move my arm - like when I wash my face!
please try the technique with the bar only as described above
I remember before when I performed Barbell Biceps Curl (Strading) my right shoulder pop up high but now It is oK!I had the same problem with side lateral raises (for side delts) - sometimes my right shoulder ended up higher than left shoulder!
This exercise needs improvement.
By the way How i can be good bodybuilder IF i can't feel my right side and rear delts!You know If i continue to work the shoulder - left shoulder will grow,but right..... The situation with the sore is the same - very sore left side delt for example, but right side delt is like no touched!
You may be overtraining one side because it is overcompensating. Alot of your problems I can not tell without actually examining your training.
I know it is not very typical but If you have Skype or ICQ, you can send me them as Private Message and I can give you information about my problem interactive! -
I do not have Skype or ICQ