as far as i know chances of trigger points occuring at ligament is less .
hai guys;
is there any chance to come trigger point on ligaments.....it ill come means how we can release?,,, do you knw any tecnique for trigger release on ligament?
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as far as i know chances of trigger points occuring at ligament is less .
salam in my opinion trigger points are formed mostly on muscles
trigger point is myofascial pain. that accur in fiber of muscle .we can treatment it by laser and stretch
hi, can we use taping for trigger point management.....?
has any body tried out this technic.....?
i just advice my clients to do push-ups, first from a table then to the chair. advice on proper ergonomics while using computers, then letting them to assume prone position before going to sleep.
strengthening your triceps will decrease the activity of your back muscles and proper body mechanics will eliminate mechanical disadvantage, and sleeping prone or prone-on-elbows will relieve a days work stooping down. I tried it myself and it works.
Trigger points can occur in structures other than muscles; so they may occur in the ligaments as well. The better way of treating the trigger points is using ultrasound therapy to deactivate them. Moreover, heat therapy moist heat packs, massage especially transverse friction massage can produce good results. Moreover try to resolve any prepetuating factor. Muscles around the joints ,in which ligaments support, should be addressed by proper stretching and strengthening of muscles.
trigger points form from inadequate circulation to areas of muscle. blood can usually get in otherwise trigger points would become necrotic and fester and this makes sense bcoz arteries have muscles that move the blood better than say veins wich easily collapse in on itself and block the return of blood out of the trigger site. the stagnant blood is full of metabolic waste product suchas lactic acid and hydrogen inflamatory markers ect. so based on the above anything that promotes improved circulation will help. but this is a short term solution bcoz we have no dealt with what has caused the trigger point. trigger points is induced by spasm usually muscle but recent research has demonstrated fascial contractility as well in the thoracolumbar fascia. muscle spasm may have neuro component where the muscle tone may be caused by arthrogenic irritation. the spinal level should be cleared with resistive TP's. the nerve bed should investigated to release any entrapments and relieve any associated neurogenic inflammation that may be cause local neural sensitisation. then try different palpation techniques to release muscle spasm induce relaxation by stimulating the muscle spindle (PNF) or golgi tendon organs (post isometric relaxation) or simple with palpation stimulate ruffini corpuscles or meisener corpuscles by applying the appropriate stimulation to fire either of these receptors.
hope you can Restore your health soon.
I think it is always better to find out trigger points due to which you are getting so much of pain and then accordingly need to work on that by the help of trigger point management that can be beneficial for you.
I do thing that there are some trigger points in my body too which are responsible for pain in my knee joints, so I will find it out soon so that I can manage to get treated well.
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Hi all
A trigger point is a hyperiritable spot commonly found in skeletal muscle however, trigger points can also be found in tissues other than skeletal muscle including tendons, ligaments & joint capsules, skin / fascia & periosteum.
A trigger point generally feels like a nodule / knot when it is palpated. Trigger points can also be classified as latent or active. A latent trigger point is a trigger point that only causes pain when prodded on. It does not cause pain during normal activities. An active trigger point will cause pain (generally reffered pain) with normal activities even without being palpated.
Trigger points are generally found within the area of the origin, belly, insertion or any free boarder of a muscle.
Trigger points can cause local pain, referred pain, tenderness, reduce ROM (prevent full lengthening of the muscle) & can be associated with premature fatigue and reduced strength.
Ischemic compression (60-90secs), Positional Release Technique, Pin & Stretch & Dry Needling are some of the methods I have found to be effective in the deactivation of trigger points.
Also in responce to the question of weather taping would work for trigger points, taping would most likely not be very effective in deactivating trigger points. However, trigger points can form due to overload of structures/muscle, therefore if taping was to correct the cause of the overload (biomechanical abnormality/inefficieny) taping could aid in the removal of trigger points.
Hope this information helps.