I have been having this deep dull pain in my hip for over 3 months now. I do teach all kinds of group fitness classes for a living - good mix of aerobics to yoga & piltates. However this pain is really driving me insane! I went to see my local physio who said it was my TFL that was too tight & gave me a few sessions of physio to help relieve it, then i developed a stabbing pain in between my shoulder blade, mainly on my right side - sore when i inhale-stabbing pain, again phsio gave me some deep massge for my kneck & rhomboids and more stretches - but still always there - along with my hip pain. Went to local - reputable chiropracter' who did a scan of my back & i had 8 sessions with hip to see if his speciality would clear up my pain & increase my nervous tissue to help heal my pain - but no! Still got the pain. I did take 2 weeks off from teaching classes & only went to swim & jacuzzi along with lots of hip flexor,IT/TFL streches every day.....but nothing seems to take the pain away. My GP sent me for xrays of my hip,shoulder & knee to see if that showed up anthing-but they all came back clear. I am still teaching classes - coz im self employed & when i dont work i dont get paid! and i dont qualify for any sick pay etc.... Can anyone advice as to what i should do next-my friend mentioned getting refered to a specalist in sports medicine to see if they could diagnose what's going on with the pain not going away. I am currently still getting sports massage on my hip,thibgh & upper back - doing the hot/cold packs on the specific areas & all my daily stretches - pain killers dont take the pain away either! When i teach i dont feel it - but when i stop or slow down i can feel it there constant. Can any one advise?

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