hi i feel you should consult a sports physio with experience.i dont think a specific problems can be identified without doing a detailed assessment
I have been having this deep dull pain in my hip for over 3 months now. I do teach all kinds of group fitness classes for a living - good mix of aerobics to yoga & piltates. However this pain is really driving me insane! I went to see my local physio who said it was my TFL that was too tight & gave me a few sessions of physio to help relieve it, then i developed a stabbing pain in between my shoulder blade, mainly on my right side - sore when i inhale-stabbing pain, again phsio gave me some deep massge for my kneck & rhomboids and more stretches - but still always there - along with my hip pain. Went to local - reputable chiropracter' who did a scan of my back & i had 8 sessions with hip to see if his speciality would clear up my pain & increase my nervous tissue to help heal my pain - but no! Still got the pain. I did take 2 weeks off from teaching classes & only went to swim & jacuzzi along with lots of hip flexor,IT/TFL streches every day.....but nothing seems to take the pain away. My GP sent me for xrays of my hip,shoulder & knee to see if that showed up anthing-but they all came back clear. I am still teaching classes - coz im self employed & when i dont work i dont get paid! and i dont qualify for any sick pay etc.... Can anyone advice as to what i should do next-my friend mentioned getting refered to a specalist in sports medicine to see if they could diagnose what's going on with the pain not going away. I am currently still getting sports massage on my hip,thibgh & upper back - doing the hot/cold packs on the specific areas & all my daily stretches - pain killers dont take the pain away either! When i teach i dont feel it - but when i stop or slow down i can feel it there constant. Can any one advise?
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hi i feel you should consult a sports physio with experience.i dont think a specific problems can be identified without doing a detailed assessment
hi mrsykit,
well i want to ask you, did your chiropractic found anything tru theMRI SCAN of the hip? plz let mie know what is the findings? but the shoulder pain/ stabbing sems more like a bone pain to mie.. cus types of pain indicates the structure involved.. stabbing seems more bone... do you mind mie asking ... how old are you? if you are above 40 you might be having some degenerative condition going on- maybe premature.. but you can say much abt age- nowadays ppl start having it on very early age itself--- can be a lot of reasons..
Need to know a bit more info about the behaviour of your symptoms. How is it first thing in the morning -thru day and at night/sleeping? What specific activities aggravate it/ease it? Is the pain there all the time? Does it ease with exercise and worsen afterwards? Do the pains come on at the same time? Hows your health in general ? weight loss/fatigue etc. Importantly how old are you?
If the hip and thoracic pain is related, I suspect you have an inability to weight bear correctly through the problem hip and the 'piriformis syndrome' is a consequence (as always) of another problem. The thoracic pain could be possibly related to the lateral trunk displacement (this is guess with the details given but its fun to try and reason with limited information).
Its hard to make a guess at specific problems but stiff spinal joints (cracked by the 'reputable chiro') and tight 'piriformis' muscles (rubbed by reputable physio?) seem to not change the hip pain (not surprising?) so please tell us when you get your symptoms.
Hallamshire Physiotherapy
PS I would stop stretching as this is probably not helping the problem.