I've had back pain that has seriously compromised my ability to live a normal life for the last 2 1/2 years and I'm hoping someone may be able to suggest an alternative course of action for me to try!
I have historically been very active doing lots of gym work, ocean sailing, rock climbing etc. I have experienced low level back ache for years but nothing that slowed me up at all. 2 1/2 years ago I fell off a sun-lounger of all things, and jarred my back. Scans showed a grade 1 Spondyolisthesis (reverse) at L5 and grade 1 disc bulges at L4/5 and L5/S1. I also have pars defects somewhere. I experience sciatic leg pain for the first time although this was manageable. I was getting much better until I did a huge flexion exercise at Pilates and made it much much worse. The scans dont show significant change but I could hardly stand up for about 6 weeks and it has continued to be much much worse.
I do lots of core exercises, including a physio run class every week, I have been to a pain management clinic and I have acupuncture which helps relieve muscle spasm and pain. I have been very slowly improving, but 2 years on from the Pilates incident and I'm still in almost constant discomfort/pain of varying levels, I still cant sit unsupported for more than about 5 mins, stand still without pain after about 5 mins, walk more than 30 mins (this causes increased discomfort/pain), swim more than 4 laps without spasms, or do other exercise. I'm only 35 and previously extremely active. I feel like I've been given a life sentence and no-one seems to be able to suggest anything that will really make a significant difference.
I'm in Sydney. If anyone knows any great specialists that I can see or has any suggestions, please please let me know!!!!
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