I have suffered from severe trigger point pain for 6 years now. I was misdiagnosed several times, had X-rays,MRIs, etc. and they all come out perfect (no
scoliosis or abnormalities). Eventually I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and was prescribed anti-deressants. Thing is...I am not depressed (well...mildly...from pain!) and those anti-depressants had 0 effect.
I had a lot of success with trigger point therapy. I first started doing compressio using TheraCane and pushing it against the wall and my body. I incredible pain, but 90 seconds later I could feel my worked muscle twitch violently and lots of blood pumping. In areas where this blood pumping occured - trigger points got completely de-activated and have not come back (several months now). I also got rid of causes by fixing habits - bad posture, bookbag carrying on one shoulder, emotional stress, etc.
Given that I am 22, generally healthy, and compression method has permanently relieved some trigger points - is there a chance I can be pain-free using this technique?
I noticed that my trigger point workbook suggests rubbing trigger points in one direction. This forum suggests compression rather than rubbing. I noticed blood pumping and muscle twitching ONLY after compression. Rubbing does reduce the pain over time though. Which method should I use? Or should I combine the two?
Also, compression technique suggests pain level 7 out of 10. That doesn't work too well either...mine needs to be 10 out of 10 to a point of vomiting. That's what makes blood pump, muscle twitch, and then permanent relief...
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