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    Re: Trigger point therapy - I need hope and advice!

    Yes if you have had problems with weights - then go easy on that side. WEight lifting can imply really full on - as in the sport - that may be way too much intensity. Progressive resistance training may be good but the intensity of ex shouldn't be too high especially to start off with. One thing to think about is just introducing one component at a time and letting your body get used to it. So I would definitely start with the aerobic component first. Much better to gradually introduce things and gradually increase exercise intensity and thereby avoid stopping because you have made yourself sore.

    And it might be good to get some advice from a PT who looks at muscle imbalance issues so that you strengthen up the right muscles

    Re pain medications: It sounds to me as if you need some ongoing support with this side, particularly as you aren't finding something that really helps. I am not really qualified to advise you on medications - really is more a physician thing. There are a number of options re: chronic pain modulation so it is worth exploring further. But make sure you are dealing with a physician who really knows about dealing with chronic pain.

    One thing though - I would be cautious of taking opiates with a chronic pain problem - that group of drugs may be great in the short term but they can cause all sorts of problems with your nervous system over time - drug dependency being just one of them.

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    Re: Trigger point therapy - I need hope and advice!

    Thanks again!

    Does neck have good blood circulation? I don't think so... I find it very hard and extra-time consuming to get rid of neck trigger points (side of the neck). For my back trigger points I can apply a lot of pressure and the pain will be severe but I can handle it. On my neck though...a slightest touch with nearly no pressure creates burning sensation in my shoulder that is simply not bearable. The progress for neck trigger points is awfully slow. It took 6 days of maybe 8-10 compressions per day in sets of 5 to reduce pain by some 30-40%, but it was a permanent decrease thus far.

    Also, I think that the distance between my spine and end of left shoulder is greater than between my spine and the end of right shoulder. I am deformed...I guess. This explains why I have a whole lot more of them around my left shoulder blade, not so much about right.

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    Re: Trigger point therapy - I need hope and advice!

    Trigger points can be a mine field and very difficult to treat but i think you deserve recognition and respect for taking a pro active self management approach to this problem with a large portion of perseverence on top.

    All i can add to whats already been said is regarding your shoulder position. It sounds like your middle and lower trapezius may be weak and you pectoralis minor may be tight. This is a generalised guess from what i see a lot of every day. The weakness here means the muscles are constanly under tension to try and anchor you shoulder blade in position (ie back towards you spine) and often this will cause trigger points to develop. Try searching for exercises to strengthen the weak and lengthen the tight. Postural stuff will help for sure but sometimes the battle needs to get more technical!!

    As for your neck...well they certainly sound pretty nasty. One key muscle in this area would be levator scapulae which will also be under tension from poture as it tries to take the wieght of the the forward positioned head. Its a long shot but maybe doing some deep neck flexor exercises alongside your TPR may help (these DNF muscles are postural stability muscles and designed to do this job) You could also try gentle stretching and soft tissue work on your Suboccipital muscles (under back of head) as these also tighten when the head is forward a lot and rarely recover without some help. Simple tipping you head forward as if you were putting a pillow in a pillow case (!) and stretching genlty by roating your head to direct you ear upwards should get the blighters.

    Maybe this helps....

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