:hat hi... i just joined this forum a few days ago and so far i have fallen in love with it as it contributes to our profession in a huge way.
Well, i had a number of clients c/o near the same symptoms.
probably SLR of the painful leg is limited as well. I suggest you try Brian Mulligan's techniques (SMWLMs)
here is how you do it:
1. Decide on the symptomatic movement (SLR)
2. Decide on the most probable spinal level
3. No Pain with Movement
4. Apply the glide in the correct treatment plane (PA in upward direction as the lumbarfacet joints are almost 90degrees orientated) and maintain until limb back in neutral position. Repeat 3-6 times.
5. Test symptomatic movement ... Should give immediate results, if not, try another level or glide direction. If not, discard the technique. But i have used it successfully and still continue using it.
I hope one day we will have some kind of a visual instrument which shows the pathology as we give treatment input to the patient but as long as that does not exist we will continue treating our patients from behind the wall. That is giving input and observing the output from our clients.
Hope this will help. Cheers :hat