Last Thursday (29th), I went over the handlebars of my bike resulting in a compression fracture of the spine T3-7. It is a stable fracture. I was released from hospital on Sunday and have been at home wearing a ?thoratic-lumbar spine brace? ever since. .
I am struggling with Pain Managment (Cocodamol 30/500's, Diclofenac and Diazapam has been prescribed), but have an appointment with an orthapedic consultant next Thursday to check progress on repairing the fracture.
A couple of questions:
1. Is there a recognised time frame for me to wear the brace (i.e. 8 weeks, 12 weeks ect)
it depends indyvidually on healing process,
2. What, if any, complications are common for this injury (i am especially expecting rotation problems ect)dont know
3. When can I expect to begin being able to excersize (as sport is pretty much my life)
look no 1, rest of your body can exercise
4. What is the rehabilitation process (i.e. Physio excersizes) and what can I expect to recieve on the NHS and what if anything will I have to attempt to find the money to pay for privatley
im not sure, but should gfet NHS physio
5. Is there anything I can do while immobilised to prevent further injury and maintain some level of fitness.
look no 3, magnetic field therapy is used to speed up healing process
I may (stressing the may here) be able to go to an intensive rehabilitation centre as my family are services based. Is this a good idea?
good idea
Your orthpeadic surgeon should be able based on tthe tests and Xrays,MRI tell the time frame of wearing the brace or moving your back.
take care
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