Dear Beazus
We should thank you for the detailed assessment you've done, its not everyday (myself inclusive) we take the time to give some detailed information...
It is rare for you to have bilateral anterior compression syndrome in the hips except you have some form of congenital anatomic disposition. If your lady is complaining of that and your assessments are pointing towards some form of capsular sign...then I would query whether this woman has a systemic problem...that is taking a slow time to progress...there is a history generally of poor health flu every month (that is unusual for the average allegedly healthy person)...
I know you said she isnt complaining of stiffness and night pains arent a feature....the other thing I would consider is vascular issues....
you breezed through the back assessment so there is very limited information there...
I know you have mentioned that this pains appear mechanical...but are any of them constant? are the constant and then are aggravated by activity...
whats the patients general health like or her own perception of her general health...
what investigations have been done?
I know you said that there is no stiffness, however painful hyperextension may suggest some developement of stiffness which is not reported as stiffness--whats the general range of spinal motion generally? actively and passively...
My suggestion
send this lady back to her G.P/rheumatoogist for tests to rule out a systemic problem, R.A, A.S, Fibromyalgia...possibly anMRI of the lumbopelvic/hip...I know you said finiancial constraints are there, however I do not think your input will be enough to help this lady...
Do you think you would get anywhere with this lady realistically? she is not compliant with your exercise program anyway...she sounds like she is under a lot of stress, my personal opinion is there is a systemic problem that is very slowly progressing...
even if it isnt, at least that has been ruled out...