Can anyone recommend a good pilates DVD, not too advanced but not for complete beginners? The patient I want it for is 6 months post giving birth, hasSIJ and lower back pain with a history of prolapsed disc. Thanks!
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Can anyone recommend a good pilates DVD, not too advanced but not for complete beginners? The patient I want it for is 6 months post giving birth, hasSIJ and lower back pain with a history of prolapsed disc. Thanks!
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Pilates is an awesome post-partum exercise program and one of the few "canned" spinal exercise "systems" that you can buy which I would recommend without reservation to my clients. That said, we need to be aware of Pilates limitations. The primary limitation of Pilates as a system is that it can be too aggressive (for some people) with regard to flexion stresses. This would make me question whether Pilates is the absolute best training program/hobby for someone post disc herniation. The choice is yours but this may be one of those situations where customizing and exercise program in your clinic might be the best way to proceed.
If you do go ahead with Pilates videos, the Stott Pilates vids are well produced and enjoyed by my clients. I think you need to customize it for your client though.
Canuck clinician at Total Outcomes Physio Surrey!