Hello everyone, I'm hoping someone can shed some light on a very longstanding and painful problem I have. My rightsacroiliac joint is very loose and frequently gets stuck in anterior rotation, I see an excellent physio who aligns it but it doesn't stay there for more than a day. My concern is the left side, the muscles of the leg (all of them, hamstrings, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, adductors, peroneals and calves, TFL) are all much stronger and tighter than the right side and will not release, I also find when I try to do hip extensions on the left side the leg always laterally rotates and abducts, I have less range of extension when compared to the right side and it feels like it drags the entire pelvis with the leg and twists my back, it also hurts the right SI joint each time I try to extend the leg. When laying supine I cannot lift the left leg in a straight leg raise without the whole pelvis shifting and the right side rotating anteriorly and with a bent leg it does the same but to a lesser degree. In your opinion does this imply the left side is stuck? And what position would it indicate from the details above? Thanks in advance.
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