Hey There, I am new to this forum and would very much appreciate any advice that people may be able to provide, i am a new grad working in the musculoskeletal area.
This particular patient presented to me three and a half weeks ago, she had a history of lateral ligament sprain while on vacation in febuary, which she had x - rayd (clear) , recieved physio and felt better , stopped attending physio at the proprioceptive phase of her rehab as she felt so good!!
Patient attended a dance class three and a half weeks ago and did a spinning manouver, felt pain on the lateral aspect of her ankle.
Stiffness in the morning which eases out after a few minutes of walking.
Objectively she had slightly decreased stance phase, squating was painful for the ankle, SLS was greatly decd on Painful ankle, there was Pain on palpation of ATFL,
Active Tps of the peroneals, and deep in soleus,Range of DF was decreased secondary to gastroc tightness. Passive mvt of inversion was painful with no exceess laxity, similarly for anterior drawer.The impression i made of this persons condition was of a chronic ATFL Damage with assosciated soft tissue adaptations.
And have been treating it for such with Soft tissue work on effected muscles, Trans frictions to ATFL, Ultrasound, with range of movement exercises progressing to proprioceptive work.Yhis has continued for the past number of weeks with minor changes based on clinical findings.
Forgot to mention she is overpronated of bilaterally, painful foot position is worse than painfree and has been given intrinsic foot exercises with very minor improvements sen so far, last session i have used a taping technique to encourage a better foot position - yet to hear back with regards outcome of this approach.
Overall there has been some improvement , but she still reports bad days where it is as bad as before i treated her. The problem now is that she is painfree throughout the day ADL's walking (although hasnt gone running/Dancing yet), feels pain at rest and is along the anterior joint line. Many of the clinical tests vary with each treatment session and are some as bad as beginning despite her functional improvements.
I am sorry about the longwindedness of this post but wanted to include as much info as possible to get some ideas with regard the cause of this resting pain, and maintanence of some of the clinical features, as a new grad i have discussed with my seniors and they are equally as baffled with regard this ladies problem, probably something straight forward that we are missing out on , would really appreciate any advice or recommendations. Regards
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