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  1. #1

    Possible entrapment superficial lateral plantar nerve?

    Must have Kinesiology Taping DVD
    Currently treating a patient complaining of pain over the lateral aspect of the dorsum of her foot. She initially injured the foot 6 yrs ago when she stepped on a small childs toy, felt a sharp pain and had swelling and bruising of the dorsum of the foot.
    She never recieved any treatment and eventually the swelling and pain decreased but she has devloped a very hypersensitive spot just medial and proximal to the head of 5th metatarsal palpation of which is extremely painfull. Initial Ax revealed tightness of her plantarfascia and a palpable nodule over the tender spot. Walking was restricted to 20 mins and more uncomfortable in flat shoes easier in heels, patient also overpronates both subtalar joints. She also suffered from some back pain affecting the same side and referring into the buttock.
    I have been treating the foot with ART, soft tissue massage and have supplid he with some 3/4 length orthotics. Her back pain has also resloved with treatment.
    She now has decreased sensitivity through the area and is able to walk for over 3 hours in flat shoes before discomfort occurs but direct pressure onto the spot is still extremely painful.
    I was wondering whether she might have initially torn her plantarfascia which has healed and the scar tissue is now entraping her superficial lateral plantar nerve. Have sent her back to her GP requesting an ultrasound scan.
    Any other ideas or treatment options would be much appreciated.

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    Re: Possible entrapment superficial lateral plantar nerve?

    hi friend
    i will suggest you to check the neural tension tests of lower limb.check for the tightness of pronators,tibialis anterior.check the mobility of lumbar area as referred pain can occur

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    Re: Possible entrapment superficial lateral plantar nerve?

    Quote Originally Posted by ricardo29 View Post

    I have been treating the foot with ART, soft tissue massage and have supplid he with some 3/4 length orthotics. Her back pain has also resloved with treatment.
    She now has decreased sensitivity through the area and is able to walk for over 3 hours in flat shoes before discomfort occurs but direct pressure onto the spot is still extremely painful.
    Is ART = Active Release Therapy?

    I never knew it was available in the UK.


  4. #4

    Re: Possible entrapment superficial lateral plantar nerve?

    Yes ART is available over here an Aussie guy i work with did the course in the states.

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