I am at the moment seeing a patient whose major complain is inability to walk… he actually presents with paraplegia secondary to back pain. He reported for physiotherapy after haven undergone continuous spinal traction for 2 weeks. I was hoping if I could get some suggestions on his line of management especially after reviewing his lumbar CT scan result- please note that the CT scan was taken after the spinal traction was removed. I have included a summary of the result. The patient is a male 51years old African. Married with children and runs an advert outfit.
Thanks, Therapy C
CT scan Report
1. Grade I/II central disc prolapsed at L5/4 and similar extrinsic thetical compression by bulging annulus fibrosus at L5
2. Apparent central canal stenosis at L4 with thetical compression
3. Posterior osteophytosis also at L4
4. Facetal degenerative changes at L3/2, narrowing ipsilateral neuroforamen
5. vertebral body lesion at T12
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