A 59 year old patient presented to me today with a 2 week history of left lateral thigh numbness, after doing a lunge-type stretch in gym. Whilst lunging he experienced a sudden "electrical" sensation in his left hip which eased immediately, but he was left with the mentioned anaesthesia. No pain, but he does experience some discomfort/ache in the lateral thigh when standing for prolonged periods of time.
I might also mention that he suffers from hypoparathyroidism and has been using long term cortisone (more than 10 years).
My first thoughts were lumbarradiculopathy, but I cleared his back (apart from some tenderness over L5). No motor or reflex changes. He demonstrated sensation loss over a very defined area on the lateral thigh - distribution of lateral cutaneous nerve.
Prone knee bend was painless, but much stiffer on the left when compared to right.
When lunging with the right leg forwards, he experiences a tight feeling over his left lateral thigh and hip.
Palpation revealed marked tenderness in the soft tissues around the left greater trochanter (his hip joint was cleared from involvement too) with a very tight, tender iliotibial band.
I have never seen a patient with lateral cutaneous nerve injury (and I am still a young physio) but the more I think about this case, the more I suspect this to be the likely diagnosis... also taking into acount the chronic metabolic disorder which might put the peripheral nerves at greater risk.
I would appreciate any input... have I missed something? Neurology is not my strong point... How does something like this progress, and what would be the best treatment approach? All I can think of is increasing flexibility of iliopsoas, ITB and so on... neural mobilisation... Please help!
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