try a book by Bogduk and Twomey called Clinical Anatomy of the lumbar Spine (2nd Ed?) It is a nice reference text that outlines many of the potential anatomical features that can cause low back pain
i am working of the diffetren reasons of lower back pain, and i ve already found a lot about many different diseaces, but i still miss praktikal experiences to get a good view on the specific symptoms, is there anybody who can help me?
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try a book by Bogduk and Twomey called Clinical Anatomy of the lumbar Spine (2nd Ed?) It is a nice reference text that outlines many of the potential anatomical features that can cause low back pain
I believe you are looking for reasons for low back pain and the specific symptoms.
You have chosen to collect information about a problem that makes up about 70-80% of all patient in practice or hospitals
Many cases of low back pain are caused by posterior displacement of a lumbar vertebra.
Following diseases are well known as causes of low back pain.....
Lumbar disk herniation,Spondylolisthesis, Spondylitis deformans, Compression fracture (Osteoporosis), Lumbar spinal canal stenosis, Spinal osteodesmosis, Myofascitis, Spina bifida occulta, various kidney diseases (Nephritis, Pielitis, Renal calculus, Floating kidney, etc), Ureterolithiasis, Cystlithiasis, Hysteromyoma, Tumor of the spinal cord, metastases of cancer to spinal bone......etc...,etc...… Maybe I managed to mention something new for you.
Only 20% of patients can be diagnosed with these diseases, the remaining 80% can not be diagnosed with a definite disease, so to speak, these are "lumbago by uncertain factor".
Then there are the non diseases…postural, trauma, obesity etc.
I would like everyone to try on Random1982's name and see what all his posts are about...
...notice how he refers to his website on protocols...
...notice how he doesn't really help or answer specific questions properly...
I suspect he is in it to promote his own website...
I will post this on all of his replies.
If you are going to spruik your website, at least have the decency to contribute to the discussion properly!
Same for ryder100 ... all posts including crap copied straight from google, and a link to his 'pain management' website.
damn spammers!
Thanks Lancel...
Physiobase has been good and temporarily banned them - if you see them, just report the posts by clicking the red triangle with the "I" in it and physiobase will deal with it.
Tinii, If you need practical experience to identify specific symptoms to get differential diagnosis of Lower Back Pain then for the practical component you'll need to take a course or request the help of other physios near you so you can view patients.
You can learn alot from textbooks of course - But there are alot of them.
I'v trained in McKenzie and have found it brilliant with back pain - though I accept that it isnt the only way to treat backs like the method would indicate. That said the courses are really good and can teach you alot about back pain and how to treat it - so see if the courses are run in your country by doing a google search and investigate that maybe.
check out
Rehabilitation of the spine by Craig Leibenson