Hi, dibblego. I can really understand your frustration. It is galling when you've a pretty good idea what's amiss and doctors won't take your word for it! I come up against that myself from time to time, having been nursing in orthopaedic surgery for 50+ years and lectured on the topic. But one has to realise that these surgeons (or doctors) have a professional limitation in that they cannot just accept a patient's point of view and act upon it without verifying it for themselves. I doubt that, if a court case ensued, neither the judge nor their professional body would be very understanding!! So it behoves them to make their own investigations and come to their own conclusion as to a diagnosis. That's what you pay them the big bucks for! That they sometimes lack good communication skills is a sad but true fact of life.
Having said that, it seem good practice (one would think) for them to enter into a collaborative with their patients as many, I have found, actually have a pretty good idea what's going on or, at the very least, what caused it. I also get pretty rattled when they don't seem to be listening to me in the least.
What I did was to hunt around for a doctor who was prepared to discuss things with me rather than issue their own edicts. And I found that a degree of intentional diffidence at the beginning of the relationship could reap benefits in the long term, if you get what I mean! Well, it works for me!