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    Back ligaments causing pain?

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    I posted previously about my Wikipedia reference-linkmri scan showing disc degeneration at L4/5. The more that I have read, leads me to believe that this is not the cause of the pain i have.

    The pain I suffer from is very localised around two points at the top of the pelvis approximately 2 inches each side of the spine itself. These two points are tender to the touch and I finding sitting to be rather uncomfortable.

    My physio says the painful areas I describe are where the ligaments/ muscles attach to the pelvis and that pain from there can be caused by a build up of tissue. He began to press down on these areas, the pain was absolutely unbearable but I am hoping that it might be the root of my pain problems.

    Just wondering if anyone has similiar experience of working with this type of problem and were there any good results? I would love to make some progress with this!


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    Re: Back ligaments causing pain?

    Hi. I'm just wondering how old you are?? Sorry - didn't read your previous post. Your symptoms could be from ligaments or disc. A lot of people have degenerative changes in their spine but this isn't necessarily the cause of pain!! Your age and the history of how you injured your back would indicate how to manage things from here......have you looked in to the McKenzie approach to low back pain. Some good stuff here if you can locate info online. I'd google "the McKenzie Institute" and have a read.

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    Re: Back ligaments causing pain?

    Hi Physio and thanks for the reply, I'm 36 by the way - will update profile when i figure out how to!. I have tried a different physio and she says the areas of tenderness are the raised areas of the SI joints (i think these are known as venus dimples?).

    She thinks that the pain i feel here is from nerves at the L1/2 disc. To be honest it doesn't feel like sharp nerve pain to me, more like a nagging, throbbing pain which is made worse by pressing on the 'raised' areas themselves. She checked the movement of my legs and there is no restriction in movement to suggest a SI joint problem.

    The only thing the Wikipedia reference-linkMRI report mentioned was a 'little low signal change on the iliac side of each joint superiorly representing sclerosis'. I know sclerosis means hardening of tissue- could this be significant. I am getting desperate to find out what is wrong with me as it has gone on for a couple of years now!


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    Re: Back ligaments causing pain?

    Just a quick update, went to the physio again today. She used 'interferential' treatment on me. It was ok although I have to admit that I don't feel any different afterwards!

    One thing she mentioned to me is that she can feel 'grittiness' in the raised areas over the SI joints. The areas feel 'lumpy' and they are the main sources of pain I feel. Could the pain and stiffness I have be a build up of scar tissue? I started doing weight training when I was about 15, so there is bound to be some 'wear and tear' associated with this.

    Any help most appreciated.


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    Re: Back ligaments causing pain?

    Each structure in the low back has a specific referred pain pattern associated with it. For example, the sacroiliac ligaments generally refer pain straight across the lowest portion of the back. The ilio-lumbar ligament refers pain on one side of the low back across the top of the ilium, the lateral hip, and the groin area. The sacrotuberous ligament has a distinctive pattern. It refers pain down the central portion of the back thigh, and if more severe, down the central portion of the calf into the heel. This injury is frequently confused with a hamstring injury when the pain is felt only in the lower buttock and down the back of the thigh.

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    Re: Back ligaments causing pain?

    Worshipper, thanks for the reply. Certainly the pain I feel is localised around the SI joint areas. There does seem to be a built up of 'gritty' feeling hard tissue which is tender to the touch and my back is stiff and sore when i bend forwards and also when sitting. I have no pain when i move my legs, walking and running are fine, it is only when the back is activated.

    I was reading about a condition called 'chronic muscle hardening' which office workers can get through prolonged periods of sitting which i've done for the past six years!

    Thoughts anyone?


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    Re: Back ligaments causing pain?

    Work situations are also a common culprit when it comes to ligament strain in the back, from lifting, bending and or twisting which keep our backs under constant or repeated strain. When ligaments become over-stretched they can no longer hold the back joints in proper position and a serious back-sprain condition can resultTreatment of Ligament Damage

    Many sufferers are tempted to immobilise themselves with bed rest. This was the treatment of choice many years ago, but experts have now discovered that this actually delays healing, and people should try to carry on as normally as possible with their everyday lives, but being careful not to over exert or move excessively. Medications are usually Wikipedia reference-linkanti-inflammatory drugs and if pain is severe, a prescribed analgesic may be required.If the ligament has torn, surgery may sometimes be necessary to repair the damage.
    Prevention of Damage

    As with any injury, there are certain measures that can be taken that could help prevent any further injuries.Learning correct lifting techniques is probably the most important. Ensure your have the correct aids and suitable seating in your work place. Try to maintain a steady and healthy weight. Always warm-up properly before playing any sports. Maintaining a good level of overall health, taking regular exercise will help prevent injury, or speed up the recovery process if an injury does occur.
    Ligament damage can occur very quickly and is a very common injury, taking some precautionary measures can help to avoid these types of injuries.

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    Re: Back ligaments causing pain?

    Frequent Causes of Back Ligament Injury
    We often shift all of our weight to one leg when forced to stand for long periods. Most people favor the same leg out of habit. When we do this, two-thirds of our body weight is now stretching the ligaments on one side of our pelvis. This simple act causes spinal distortion and postural misalignment. Eventually these ligaments can become as severely distorted as from a serious, sudden injury to the back.
    Poor posture is another minor act that can cause major ligament damage. It is tiring to remain standing for a long period of time in situations such as waiting in line, standing up at a party and shopping. Without even noticing many people will compensate for this fatigue by slumping over. When we do that, the entire weight of our body begins pulling against the ligaments in the pelvis and lower back. Years of this can take a toll and cause these ligaments to become stretched and weakened so they cannot properly control our joints. This can cause discomfort and even pain from the simple strain of standing erect.
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    Re: Back ligaments causing pain?

    The round ligaments are the bands of tough fibrous tissue that support your muscles and organs. They expand and grow to help support your uterus as it gets bigger. As these ligaments stretch, some women find it painful and are concerned. Most doctors and midwives will reassure you that these pains are a normal part of pregnancy.
    During the third trimester this pain can increase as your uterus grows even bigger and the ligaments have to stretch more to support the weight of the baby, amniotic fluid, placenta and extra blood that your body is carrying in your belly. There are things you can do to reduce the discomfort.

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    Re: Back ligaments causing pain?

    i also suffer same with your condition i have gone to the hospital and they said its just a muscle spasm but i think its different d/t the pain that i felt and i cant crossitting for a long period d/t uncomfortable feel at my lower back, the pain comes at nearby the dimple of venus and i cant back hyper extend much d/t pain but now the pain lessen, last month its increase back after played badminton

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    Re: Back ligaments causing pain?

    I am currently working with olderly people that have different type of muscle/ Tissue Damage / Sciatica etc pains - many of them had been using Wikipedia reference-linkanti-inflammatory drugs or even corrective surgery previously. Of cause they are not your age group, but what I want to say is that all of thy have been advised alternative herb treatment and it gave good possitive results. Turn your thoughts more to natural remedies (like Nature Medic Arthritis Cream).

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