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  1. #1

    Knee Injury During @#%$

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    I'm a 32 year old woman and I injured my knee while having @#%$ with my husband. Go ahead and laugh! It happened last November and I'm embarassed to go to the doctor. I'm fine walking and going down stairs but going up stairs my knee makes a poping/grinding/clicking noise. It's not painful, more like a dull ache. What did I do to it and how do I fix it? Please help.>D

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  2. #2
    from the sounds of things it could be a meniscal injury (partcularly if it ocurred whilst twisting the leg) in which case you should probably be visiting a doctor or physiotherapist. Also - if there is any instability in the knee it's worth getting checked out.
    If there is swelling I would suggest standard RICE priniciples for the first 48 hours - rest, ice (20 mins every 2 hous), compression and elevation where possible.
    Good luck and don't be afraid to visit the doctor - I'm sure you are not the only person to have injured yourself in this way and I can promise it won't be the wierdest injury story s/he has heard.

  3. #3
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    I agree with lesternator. A bad knee is not the worst injury...

    Some of my patients have had serious neck injuries from hitting the headboard, etc. One fell off the bed and cut their head on the bedside table and had to go to hospital.

    It does sound like a cartilage injury. If you are walking and your knee gives way suddenly, especially when going around corners, you can be nearly certain it is.

    Get it checked out with a good physio or doctor.

  4. #4
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    I treated a lap dancer a few years ago who had fallen off a table while performing and ended up having a partial meniscectomy and a Wikipedia reference-linkrotator cuff repair.

    If you're really embarrassed about how you injured your knee, tell them you slipped on the stairs - your treatment is not dependant on how you injured the knee, it's dependant on what's wrong with the knee.

    Doctors and physios have all worked in hospitals and I guarantee that your story would be tame in comparison to many that they will have heard. Get it sorted!

  5. #5

    my view

    i would advice you to change ur *** position

    go to a Physio, he ll chnage ur life

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