I am looking for information about Munich Functional Development screening. Maybe somebody can help me?
Thank you!
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I am looking for information about Munich Functional Development screening. Maybe somebody can help me?
Thank you!
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Last edited by physiobob; 07-01-2009 at 01:25 PM.
dear inese
By just putting these words in Google I found one small abstract about this screening. Apparently it is a psychological assessment and only in German.
To find out more I suggest you Google some more and maybe ask the colleagues at
ZVK.ORG - Deutscher Verband für Physiotherapie - Zentralverband der Physiotherapeuten/Krankengymnsaten (ZVK) e. V. = the German Society of physiotherapy.
If it is a screening that can be used by physiotherapists, I suggest you look up the assessments being used in the english speaking world as well.
lots of information about that on this forum and at CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research
Good luck......
Dear Ines,
If it can help, here is the link to an oryginall full-text e-book written by Theodor Hellbrugge "Munich Functional Developmental Screening"- the first year of life, but unfortunetely the book is in Polish. Maybe you will find usefull at least pictures...
To get access you have to register first, it's free of charge.
Monachijska Funkcjonalna Diagnostyka Rozwojowa. Drugi i trzeci rok ?ycia T. Hellbrugge - Chomikuj.pl
The title is: "Monachijska funkcjonalna diagnostyka rozwojowa".
dear justyna
I tried getting into the website you spoke about... but haven´t succeeded yet... it is not easy for someone who doesn´t understand polish...... its like a guessing game.... But the name Helbrugge makes the difference....
When googling hellbrugge and motor develpment, english articles start to pop up
and the book is obtainable in German
Fortschr. d. Sozialpädiatrie 4: Münchener Funktionelle Entwicklungsdiagnostik: Erstes Lebensjahr: Theodor Hellbrügge, Fritz Lajosi, Dora Menara: Amazon.de: Bücher
But consider.......
People all over the world have been discovering the same things......
In the 1970´s Hellbrugge developed his developmental scales... but were they every applied anywhere else???' Not in Holland that I know of... In Poland?
To be able to communicate with colleagues worldwide, we will have to use the best possible scales there are...... A lot has changed since the 70tees (when these scales were first published)
We, the west european, know little about what has evolved in time in countries like Russia and yours. I hope more and more will be published in english in the near future.
As I understand it, Vojta therapie is still common in Poland???
What other methods do you use, do you intergrate the current knowledge of motor development into your therapy?
I am a Vojta therapist, but hardly use any of his techniques and positions... but I use a few "tricks of the trade"----------
Lets try to learn from each other......
Esther de Ru
I have checked again the website we are talking about and you are right, now the access is more difficult than in time, I was registrated. I will try to put the file on another website or just send it to you by mail. But, as I have told before, the book is in Polish and I think going through the pictures and tables inside can give you only the general idea of the Hellbrugge’s method. Our Latvian friend Inese should cope with the book a little bit better
Esther, for now my knowledge and experience concerning pediatric neurodevelopmental physiotherapy are rather poor, because I’m newly graduated from Uni and just delving into the subject myself. But as far, as I know, the Munich Functional Screening is used widely also in Germany, the homeland of T. Hellbrugge. Nowadays the main center (the headquarter ) of MFDS as well as Vojta Association is Municher Kinderzentrum. In Poland one can hear of course about the psychomotor screening scales used world wide, like Denver, Bühler-Hetzer, Gessel, Bayley, Brunet-Lézine, Peabody and others. There is also possibility to join the course teaching some of them, but as I see it’s rather rare practice among physiotherapists (I suppose, it’s a domain of pedagogy, psychology, neurology(?)). Physiotherapists usually practise Vojta or NDT-Bobath tests. As you know, PT in Poland isn’t an integral position, which means that all our actions are supervised by the doctor. And it’s also his duty to support us with nessesary information about the child’s condition.
And, you ask about Vojta method. Yes, it’s still popular. The method has it’s fans and enemies among parents, PT’s and medical authorities and, although so controversial it is said to be very effective. By the way, why are you so surprised by the fact, the Vojta method is still in use?? Is your experience in this field so negative?
You ask about the other methods which we use in treating of Cerebral Palsy. Of course Bobath, bobath, bobath…. For me, personally it’s a disappointing subject since I started to wait for admission to the course. The line is so long that I have to wait until 2011 or longer… Just a nightmare.
Maybe you will be interested in fact, that in the last years Bobath therapy is so vigorously promoted, that even on “parenting” sites you can find all range of tips, how to care about the baby in harmony with NDT. Here are two of that films:
1. how to switch a baby from it’s back on the tummy (NDT):
Co nieco o obrotach male?kich cia? | wideo
2. how to lift the baby from the nappy change table (NDT):
OK, and other supporting methods, which don’t need to be introduced: Sensory Integration, hippotherapy, kynotherapy, all kinds of “spiders” like Therasuit, Adeli suit etc, eventually Peto, Doman, Montessori, but the role of them is marginal. Oh, I have amost forgotten to boast about new dolphinotherapy center
Esther, you are very patient, if you are still here with me I promise, it is the end of the monologue! But maybe I could also have a question? Some time ago I found in the Dutch websites some info about courses and DVD’s explaining normal infant development. and all this propagated by one of the Dutch Pediatric?/Scientific?/Physiotherapy? Association. If you have any idea of what association could it be and where can I find it on the web, please, let me know.
dear Justyna,
I found the video´s very loving.....
In reality a child is mostly awake and kicking when you lift them or change their positions.... a very sleepy child does make it easier for the presentor the chance to show "the technique" .
We have a Paediatric Society the NVFK as part of our national Association the KNGF.
Our website is NVFK; Nederlandse Vereniging voor Fysiotherapie in de Kinder- en jeugdgezondheidszorg but I´m afraid that everything is in Dutch. We have a postgraduate Master in Paediatric Physiotherapy (4 yrs part-time). We are trained in all aspects of the disorders that children face and we are taught many treatment possibilities. Treating children in a functional way, without using a specific method, but looking at the childs specifics needs and wished has become the new way of treating.
Before this postgraduate education was initiated in Holland, physiotherapists could only be trained in either Vojta,Bobath, sensorymotor or psychomotor therapy.
In recent years science has made clear that there we have been using methods that do not work as well as we thought.
Research is being done all over the world. One of the websites you can find a lot of information AND tests ( many for free) and I recommend is CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research
About skillsforaction.com | skillsforaction.com is a website initiated by a colleague who is specifically interested in DCD children. I recommend this site as well.
You can go to Welcome! and read all the journals older then 1 year for free. I think you will learn a lot from reading the journals.
There is so much going on worldwide.
Go to American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) for the newest research on treatment possibilities.
In the time you have to wait to be able to do a course... I recommend reading and maybe going to courses elsewhere.
I loved learning PNF (in Bad Ragaz Switzerland and learnt a lot.... and I still use the things I learnt there when treating children)
The books I can really recommend to start with.....
Motor ControlTranslating research into clinical practice by Shumway-Cook A, WoolacottM. 3rd edition Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Pub. Date: July 2006
ISBN-13: 9780781766913
Physical Therapy for Children Suzann Campbell,Warl Vander Linden & Robert Palisano
order www.elsevier.com
the the very new Postural Control: a key issue in developmental disordersEdited by: Mijna Hadders-Algra and Eva Brogren Carlberg
Paperback, ISBN: 9781898683575, https://www.blackwellpublishers.co.uk/
On the website Ontwikkelingsneurologie|Developmental Neurology you can order the DVD about the GM´s and the Touwens neurological assessment.
good reading