Hi there, my story may be long but ill try to reduce it. Plz read!

I am an 18 year old female who 2 years ago, had to stop playing state netball due to devastating pain in my groin every ime i would play a game. This pain would be localized but felt very deep in my legs. This pain would be so intense i would have to limp and only began in one leg. I stopped playing for 6 months due to the pain to see if it was growing pains. I returned, only to again get this pain, in both sides of my groin. The pain was stabbing, and after around 3 days the pain would subside only to return again when i played.

I then had xrays and nothing showed up. The pain was now in both legs and moved from my groin to the tops of my legs and groin. I could no longer play netball for more than 10 mins.

I THEN began to gt frequent high pitched "clicking" from both of my hips it sounded. This clicking would happen at elast 10 times a day when i moved my leg position.
I thought i may have osteitis pubis, but had no pain on my pubic symphysis. I then suspected acetabulum labral tears.

I then had an Wikipedia reference-linkMRI without dye and nothing has showed up. I now have been referred to a physo as my doctor has said i have quite bad hypermobile knees, and this may mean my hips also are. I have hypermobility with my wrists and thumb also. I have had enough of not knowing whats wrong with me!

Can hypermobile knees/hips, cause this intense pain and clicking?? I have no other symptoms, other than occasional mild back pain.

I am only 18 and want to play netball again. Just want answers. Do you think physio may help me????

Regards, jennah.

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