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    Question 18YO elite netballer,clicking hips, pain, hypermobile

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Hi there, my story may be long but ill try to reduce it. Plz read!

    I am an 18 year old female who 2 years ago, had to stop playing state netball due to devastating pain in my groin every ime i would play a game. This pain would be localized but felt very deep in my legs. This pain would be so intense i would have to limp and only began in one leg. I stopped playing for 6 months due to the pain to see if it was growing pains. I returned, only to again get this pain, in both sides of my groin. The pain was stabbing, and after around 3 days the pain would subside only to return again when i played.

    I then had xrays and nothing showed up. The pain was now in both legs and moved from my groin to the tops of my legs and groin. I could no longer play netball for more than 10 mins.

    I THEN began to gt frequent high pitched "clicking" from both of my hips it sounded. This clicking would happen at elast 10 times a day when i moved my leg position.
    I thought i may have osteitis pubis, but had no pain on my pubic symphysis. I then suspected acetabulum labral tears.

    I then had an Wikipedia reference-linkMRI without dye and nothing has showed up. I now have been referred to a physo as my doctor has said i have quite bad hypermobile knees, and this may mean my hips also are. I have hypermobility with my wrists and thumb also. I have had enough of not knowing whats wrong with me!

    Can hypermobile knees/hips, cause this intense pain and clicking?? I have no other symptoms, other than occasional mild back pain.

    I am only 18 and want to play netball again. Just want answers. Do you think physio may help me????

    Regards, jennah.

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    Re: 18YO elite netballer,clicking hips, pain, hypermobile

    If you were to go for a jog do you have any (ANY) reproduction of Sx's?Prolonged sitting, repeated bending?

    Does any Hip stretching create any Sx's

    At this point a physio can only add to your information


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    Re: 18YO elite netballer,clicking hips, pain, hypermobile

    Quote Originally Posted by opihiman View Post
    If you were to go for a jog do you have any (ANY) reproduction of Sx's?Prolonged sitting, repeated bending?

    Does any Hip stretching create any Sx's

    At this point a physio can only add to your information


    Hi there, thanks for your reply. Yes, i went for a quiet jog today and i had quite a lot of pain in my right leg, sort of at the top of my quadricep, and i also had a feeling of weakness or kind of "giving way" of my right knee. Only one side was affected. The pain has moved yet again. I am still getting the "click click clicking" that drives me insane!....

    Is it best to go to a physio and explain my case? I have been originally, but they never even mentioned my problems may have been due to hypermobility......

    Sitting or certain positions also do cause a fair bit of discomfort for me.

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    Re: 18YO elite netballer,clicking hips, pain, hypermobile

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    as far as your choice of going to the same physio or to another, it depends. if you feel that you are being seen by a competent and skilled person that you can trust...keep going. If you don't may be you should look for someone else. there are so many things that will come in to play when deciding this...may be you want a fresh look at this too. it depends on what you want.

    More Questions though:

    How is going up and down steps or hills? It is does produces some of your symptoms does one direction (up or down) seem worse or are you already compensating or crab walking (sideways).

    one more thing: does stork stretching produce Sx.

    Google Image Result for http://www.prevention.com/images/cma/home_stretch_01.jpg

    Thats a link to the stretch that I just asked about.


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