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Thread: Mal-Alignment

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    Brief Medical History Overview


    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Please see attached doc. Been suffering approx 2 years with the full symptoms. Wikipedia reference-linkMRI shows nothing abnormal (no disc bulges etc). X ray shows bend in spine. No history of problems previously.

    I have been to 4 or 5 private physios all of whom have a different idea. Also been to Chiro & Osteo, with no success. The physio has reduced symptoms 20% but nothing since this initial improvement.

    Would appreciate any advice, or where I can get treatment if anyone knows a specialist.

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    Re: Mal-Alignment

    Hi there

    I'm not a physio so can't give you advice I'm afraid...

    Your shape looks very similar to mine though - I too have mild Wikipedia reference-linkscoliosis and a tilted/twisted pelvis - so my right hip is higher and my right leg appears longer, my right shoulder is higher and my head sits to one side of my neck... My symptoms though are slightly different - my main problem is pain in my lower back and around my right hip.

    Also like you, I've been to lots of different physios, chiropractors etc....they have all given up on me in the end and I've now accepted that nothing can be done to fix the problem, and it is just a matter of trying to manage the pain.

    There is a very knowledgeable physio on here though (sorry, can't remember the name) who says that it IS possible to correct this alignment problem. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find anyone local to me who knows how to do this....

    I hope you have better luck than me. I know how frustrating and debilitating it is to be in pain all the time

  3. #3

    Re: Mal-Alignment

    dear bobby,

    Do not give up just yet.
    One of the interesting things about chinese medicine is that they always ask you, what was going on in your life when your problems started.
    De initiate problems could be ( in part) the "result" of changing jobs including perhaps changes in physical postures, it could be a new drug prescribed to you, a stressful situation (+ and - ones) etc etc. I know of many patients who have noticed this. Going back in time in your own mind might give you a hint into the background of your problem.
    The problem in the Anglo-Saxon world is that most physio´s have specialized and it might not be easy to find an old fashioned "generalist" who can look at the whole picture/ person- not just at your musculoskeletal parts.

    Lots of people have a Wikipedia reference-linkscoliosis, and they sometimes have pain and just as often not.... it depends on many things including the way you treat your own body. The only way to really give you advice is to see you, hear your history and assess you and that cannot be done online.

    Try asking the staff of your regional University Physiotherapy Education Departement, they must have a professor specialized in assessment or they will know some names .

    Good luck.


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    Re: Mal-Alignment

    any one know of anyone who can treat this in the berkshire area??? There must be someone???

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    Re: Mal-Alignment

    Quote Originally Posted by estherderu View Post
    dear bobby,

    Do not give up just yet.
    One of the interesting things about chinese medicine is that they always ask you, what was going on in your life when your problems started.
    De initiate problems could be ( in part) the "result" of changing jobs including perhaps changes in physical postures, it could be a new drug prescribed to you, a stressful situation (+ and - ones) etc etc. I know of many patients who have noticed this. Going back in time in your own mind might give you a hint into the background of your problem.
    The problem in the Anglo-Saxon world is that most physio´s have specialized and it might not be easy to find an old fashioned "generalist" who can look at the whole picture/ person- not just at your musculoskeletal parts.

    Lots of people have a scoliosis, and they sometimes have pain and just as often not.... it depends on many things including the way you treat your own body. The only way to really give you advice is to see you, hear your history and assess you and that cannot be done online.

    Try asking the staff of your regional University Physiotherapy Education Departement, they must have a professor specialized in assessment or they will know some names .

    Good luck.

    Thats a very interesting point about the Chinese medicine approach. I have recently started going to a Chinese practitioner for sessions which entail acupuncture, acupressure, cupping and massage. I feel worse for a day or two after I've had the treatment, but then my symptoms improve for 2 or 3 days. Unfortunately the effects don't last, but I've been told that there is a cumulative effect, so I'm going to continue with a few more sessions (I've had 4 sessions so far) and see if I can get it to last longer.

    So Bobby - it might be worth you trying this too, if you have also found 'traditional' physio approaches to be of limited help.

    Another thing I've found has helped me is the Alexander Technique - in very basic terms, this is to do with your posture (although there is actually a lot more to it than that, and it can also help you cope with the psychological aspects of pain). You could have a look on this site to find AT teachers in your area: www.statsearch.co.uk

    I don't want to be pessimistic, but it may be that you won't find anyone who can 'cure' your problem, but there are things you can do to help manage the pain. So don't give up and try to stay positive. I know this is easier said than done - I got very depressed last year because of the pain I was in, and I can see now that there is a very clear relation between your psychological state and your perception of pain, so it is very important to try to maintain a positive approach.

    Good luck with whatever you try x

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    Re: Mal-Alignment

    Dear bobbybobber:
    Have one of your numberous physios show you what the ASIS is.
    Next go to your home and stand in front of a mirror. Contact lightly with your fingers. Do not hold so firmly that the ASIS can not move freely.

    Now widen your stance by using hip Abduction directly lateral in the coronal plane. You will be able to see if the ASIS moves up or down or as we like to call it superior or inferior. If you see a major difference as you widen the foot stance, you have some anterior or posterior rotation of the innominate bones. Or possible both. i find this often overlooked by the physio. If you want your physio to contact me after you have done this simple test, I can give the physio more details.

    Sorry about missing your question. I have not looked at my contacts on the forum in the past while.

    Best regards to you,

    Neuromuacular Ed L.

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    Re: Mal-Alignment

    Hi all,

    For a critque on the test neuromuscular proposes, here is our "conversation" over the last year and a bit...please be sure to read from the start otherwise the end will be out of context!!

    http://www.physiobob.com/forum/ortho...-si-joint.html (New research: No such thing as "stuck" SI joint)

    Try the test and see.

    I personally had no change in my practice from the test. When i find an overactive Adductor muscle, i treat it.

    I use a systematic and wholistic approach to assessment and diagnosis, not just one test or model...

    Anyway, try neuromuscular's test and see what happens

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    Re: Mal-Alignment

    just posted something but i hadnt read the attachment so it was not relevant!

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    Re: Mal-Alignment

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Hi - Roycar suggested hypermobility syndrome before editing his comments - which i actually agree with. It is a possibility.


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