Brief Medical History Overview
knee pain/weakness
I am hoping someone can help. I have a bothersome knee issue that i would like to rehab myself where possible.
During certain movements I get a sharp pain on the top of the knee cap, probably from the quadricep tendon or that area. This happens in following occasions:
1. if i run, and I don't control my run, step loose or somewhat off balance
2. do an extreme off balance move, usually (but not always) involving the leg bent to an extreme angle, like a very deep squat (no weights)
3. if i put very heavy load on the quadricep muscle, the knee feels week, but does not hurt unless I also combine it with extreme flexing and/or off balance stepping
I noticed that over the past few months, when i walk down the stair, i tend to favor my leg that doesn't have this issue. Also if I do an exercise such as stair stepper type-movement with medium weights (50-60lbs or so), the knee with the problem feels weak and unsure (although it doesn't hurt in this type of movement, unless, again, I do it haphazardly and lose balance).
I did visit a orthopedic surgeon, but I have a hunch he's used to old people and prefers to deal with debilitating issue. My issue is not debilitating, but it can keep me from certain recreational activities (for example, rock climbing). The doctor's statement was that it wasn't something to treat for. Well ok, it may not keep me from walking to the store, but I believe that sports is important... 
I will keep looking for a good sports medicine practitioner, but in the meanwhilem, can someone suggest:
1. the type of exercised I could perform to rerhab this issue
2. Are there any particular types of OTC braces (Ace, etc) that I could wear to help with this issue?
3. Anything I should avoid? treadmill? Should I switch to something less impact for a while? I already know not to use the machines that force leg extensions under weight, and I was told partial leg presses may be useful. Treadmill by itself does not cause pain unless I step wrong.
Data: Male, 38, 185 lbs, 6ft, used to regularly lift weights until a few years ago, including heavy squats... never felt a pain then, until a year or so after stopping due to... new wife and complicated schedule. :| I am looking to get back into the gym and my outdoor hobbies (mountaineering). I am right handed and footed (judging by past soccer experience), and the issue is in my right knee.
Could lifestyle cause something like this? I noticed a few years ago that I tended to fold my right leg under me when I sat on some chairs. I've been then forcing myself to cut this habit. Could it be an overly-stretched tendon due to this behavior?
Sorry for the long message, i was hoping to give as much info as possible.
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