Brief Medical History Overview
Pain on inside of calf

Hi there
I really hope someone can help me with some chronic calf pain I have been experiencing for the last 9 months. I am (was!) a keen cyclist, I had been really putting the miles in and ramping up my training last year, I bean experiencing some knee pain and subsequently tore my gastrocnemius muscle, in the very middle of the back of my calf. I saw a physiotherapist, when I came back to cycling I experienced some dull aches in my lower leg muscles, but these gradually reduced with the exception of a pain on the inside of my calf which still persists (since Oct 2008).
The pain comes on only when I cycle (I have tried changing my cleat positions but to no avail). It is not a sharp pain but more of a cramp / fatigue type pain that comes on relatively quickly after about 20 minutes of reasonable exertion. This pain is specifcially felt about 1/3 of the way between my knee and ankle, just on the inside of the gastroc / soleus area. The pain reduces if I drop down a gear and stops when I stop cycling. I will not feel anything for a few hours but I will then gradually experience some mild pain when moving around, when laying in bed on my back with my feet relaxed and pointin outwards I will feel some pain/aching on the inside of my foot which seems to only occur on the night or two after this, I also get some pain on the inside at the top of my tibia and along the inside of the lower portion of the tibia.
I have been to a physio who thinks it may be a weak tibialis posterior muscle, but I have been working at this (bent leg calfraises and strectches) for 3-4 months with no improvement. I have also had a knee
mri and a lateral release about 2 months ago as the consultant thought it may be to do with this, but getting back into cycling now on a static bike I get the same sensation.
If anyone has any thoughts this would be much appreciated.
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