Brief Medical History Overview
knee cap dislocation, i'm new here and would like some help please : )

ok here goes..... i dislocated my left knee cap 14 weeks ago now and although it is alot better now, it still is not 100 percent, my knee looks alot different to how it did before, it looks swollen and abnormal when i stand up and i cannot get my leg to straighten all the way back, i have problems with both knees, and have dislocated the other one before as well, i was told i have small high positioned knee caps and also have a shallower groove that it sits in...what i'm asking for is just some opinions really on what other people think i can do to help it, i've been doing all the exercises my physio has told me to do to help strengthen my knee again, which has helped alot as i'm now able to walk pretty much pain free as long as i'm not on my feet for ages, it's uncomfortable more when i stand still and above my knee it looks like there is a lump, which my physio said could be my quads just tightening up to protect the knee, i've been doing so many exercises, and stetches for my hamstrings, i go to the gym and swim pretty much everyday, i just want to get more opinions cos i'm so frustrated with it, and i'm returning to work next week.
please, please help lol 
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