Brief Medical History Overview
Elbow Hyperextension
My right elbow was hyperextended at my Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class the other week and I heard a crack/pop. It didn't hurt at the time so I continued on sparring. The next day it was really stiff and I'd lost some of my range of motion. I can straighten my arm with only slight pain, but trying to tie a tie or putting my hand anywhere near my right shoulder is impossible. If I straightened my arm out horizontal to my shoulders and try and touch my right shoulder with my right hand I'd lost 35 degrees of motion. I've been going to physio and she has managed to get an extra 10 degrees, but I have some questions that I want a second opinion on.
1 - Should she be giving me exercises to do at home?
2 - In cases like this do patients usually get their normal range of motion back pain free?
3 - How long does it generally take to heal or how soon could I expect to go back to class and start training again.
Any opinions/help would be much appreciated.

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