i got the same problem before from a motor accident...
i dunno but the pain just went away...
I play semi pro baseball and I took a swing at an inside pitch and when I did it felt like my shoulder slid/popped. It was painful for about 5 minutes then went away. Today my shoulder is very sore. If I put my arm out straight and lift it vertically it is painful on the muscle area just above my bicep. It is not in the joint so I don't feel that its a labral tear. Any ideas if it could be therotator cuff or deltoid muscle? I would really like to avoid exploratory surgery so if anyone could help me out I would appreciate it.
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i got the same problem before from a motor accident...
i dunno but the pain just went away...
uptill 15 degrees verticalrotator cuff is responsible for 15 degrees but 15-90 degrees , deltoid is responsible.so now u can find out that uptill how many degrees ur arm moves upward painful.well i recommend u to go to a good physiotherapist and ask him to apply tens and do mobilisation of the glenohumeral joint,it would be helpful
why would tens and joint mobilisations be helpful if it was arotator cuff tear/strain?