Brief Medical History Overview
Chronic ulnar sided wrist pain in both wrists-HELP!!!!

First off i should say that I am not a medical professional of any kind, just a regular guy asking advice.
I should also mention that i am not very well educated when it comes to the inner workings of the body, i just did a Google search relating to the pain i am having and have decided that this was what I had lol.
Okay, I have had pain on the ulnar side of both of my wrists for quite some time now (about a year), and would like some advice on how to heal this pain.
Now, my wrists only hurt when i have them in the supinated position, doing things such as carrying boxes or catching a b-ball. It also hurts if i flex my wrist and then try to push the wrist inward with my other hand. The pain shoots all the way up my forearm, but hurts the most in the wrist area.
The pain in both of my wrists is due from past weight lifting related injuries, (too much weight + inexperience=disaster). I believe my doctor said they were tendon strains or sprains? Anyway, I let the problems get out of hand (only rested for about a week and then went right back to normal activities), and am now suffering from almost unbearable pain and cannot perform a lot of the activites i normally due such as playing basketball and weightlifting without considerable pain.
The video seems to best describe where my pain is located:
YouTube - New Treatment for Wrist Pain-Mayo Clinic
I have tried nsaid's, splints, ice, rest, acupuncture etc, but all of which have either not helped or have hardly helped reduce the pain.
I am currently trying to use the MEAT (Movement Exercise Analgesics Treatments) method to heal the pain, and am also trying to strengthen my wrist (wrist rolls, curls, reverse curls etc.), but so far no good. Ive tried these healing techniques for about 4-5 weeks only, but i was wondering if this is what i should be doing or just try something else etc.
I have heard about thing such as Powerball Gyroscopes and such, and would like to hear a professionals take on such devices. Do they work? Are they recommended? Is there a better alternative? etc.
Any help would be ecstatically welcomed.
Thanks in advance
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