Brief Medical History Overview
Serratus Overactivity?

Hi All,
I am hoping someone would be so kind as to alleviate a slight worry I have. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
A few years ago I dislocated my shoulder. Done rehab on it and although it is not perfect it seemed to be fine.
I play a lot of sports and in recent years have suffered my share of ankle injuries and have now got some groin problems from that.
However, in the past month or so the muscles around my spine have been rather tight (I sit at a desk all day so probably posture). I can handle this but after doing some weight training, primarily chest press I notice that i now have slight twinges across my ribcage (both sides) and my sides feel a bit strange. They are not very painful (one a scale of one to ten they are probably a one).
I have been to see a physio and they have suggested that my back/shoulder is a bit out of whack and consequently my Serratus muscle is compensating and is being over worked.
Massage and some other strengthening seems to be the key to recovery but after a couple of weeks I am still getting the sensations in my sides and ribcage. Is this normal? Could there be something else wrong with my Serratus or chest that is causing this?
I am just slightly worried as I have never had anything like this before.
Thanks (if you read this very long post)
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