Brief Medical History Overview
acl 5 months post surgery

im five months post acl surgery. mostly it has been easy enough to handle, however I started light running at about 14 weeks and that was fine for a while. after a 20 minute run a few weeks ago I am having trouble with my leg weights and running. I have been doing gym work about 4 times a week sometimes more and always warm the leg up before running.
1) When running I get pain at a point just below the kneecap, almost right on the bone below that (tibia?).
2) When doing leg weights I get pain any time I lock out my leg, ie, at the top of a hack squat / leg press, the last little push from slightly bent to straight is painful just above my kneecap, right above the top centre of the kneecap, I suppose where the quad muscle attaches to the kneecap there. it is almost similar to the feeling of when your knee is trying to 'click but reasonably uncomfortable'. Ive had to stop leg press, quad extension and bosu squats. even cycling can be minimally uncomfortable.
can anyone fill me in on what this is? tendonitis? knee cap rotated?
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