Not sure but I reckon he knows what he is doing!
Report reads:
Complete tear of ATFL, Partial tear of CFL. Partial tear of medial deltoid ligament complex. Tendinopathy with possible vertical tear of peroneus brevis tendon.
Surgeon is operating in 3 weeks to do ankle stabilisation - but only wishes to address the lateral ligaments. Should I be suggesting that he looks at the other issues listed????
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Not sure but I reckon he knows what he is doing!
Sounds like a fair first step. Hopefully you're in a boot or cast right now? Injury to the deltoid ligament is not common, and when it is injured it is usually traumatic. Reinjury is as a result much less common as well.
Can you tell us how you suffered this injury?
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Well in April I fell in a hole and was in plaster for a few weeks and then a walking boot. Been out of the boot for about 2 months now. Major problems still with pain, swelling and instability.
I had previously done this injury 2 times before doing gymnastics.
The tears are all shown on a recentMRI scan though showing that nothing had really healed since time of injury.
I am hoping that by doing the lateral ligaments it will help the rest of the pain I am having!!! That's what the surgeon is suggesting.
Should I be going back into the boot once I come out of plaster post surgery? (this will be 6weeks after op)
Thank you