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  1. #1
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    glute/hamstring pain

    I've had some pain in my glute areas down to my mid hamstring areas for the past 4-5 months. I've went to my family doctor twice but he brushes it off as normal and that I should just rest it. That is my probably my fault for not seeking another doctor. I am a little arrogant and lazy. I tried to wait it out with stretches, heating, and recently epson salt baths.

    I think I'm going to visit another doctor soon, but I wanted to see what anyone else might think the problem is. It started hurting a long time ago when I was just taking a daily run on the track. It hurt in my left leg when I was running but I kept going, again my fault. The next day it began hurting terribly. After a couple days the pain went away and then it appeared in my right leg. Sometimes it won't hurt for a couple of days and then sometimes my elgs would switch off in pain. There was one time on july 4th, that my legs were hurting very much that I felt that it was unbearable to walk. Also, I use my computer very often and so I sit for long periods of time.

    I'm fearing, since the pain hasn't gone away, that it could be a bad tear or something with the nerves. piriformis syndrome seems to be possible. I have to admit that I might have injrued them more when I go with my friends and play things like football. A lot of things require running and on the days I don't feel the pain very much I take a chance. In writing this, I see how stupid I have been in managing the injury to both my legs. Also, I have to mention that sometimes the pain is in my mid hamstring, to under my butt, or in the middle of my butt. I'd appreciate for anyone's input.

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    Re: glute/hamstring pain

    Hi chris7!
    Besides a good medical history, a clinical assessment is necessary in every case, including yours. Without both, any assumption might be wrong. I'll try, though, to make some guesses.
    If I could hypothesize something, mainly from the type of injury, I would say that a muscle strain at the left leg was probably an initial injury. You didn't mention where the pain was located but my guess is at the hamstrings, as they tend to strain quite often. The fact that pain was gone at the left and appeared at the right leg makes me wonder about low back involvement. You also said that pain goes off and on at both legs and that location differs (from mid hamstrings to your gluteus etc). Taking these facts into account, low back should definitely be examined. Initial injury might be a fact but it's not a strain that causes such problems after 4-5 months.
    My advice is to visit a physio, have a clinical assessment (I assume he/she will assess both legs and the low back) and then we can discuss about treatment. Remember that this is only a guess, actually my first one. Other pathologies or anatomical alterations/abnormalities could also be the case. Moreover, more details about the history are necessary (type of pain, any weaknesses, any numbness, positions that aggravate/eliminate symptoms etc).
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

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    Re: glute/hamstring pain

    Physiotherapy helps to heal injury, illness, or disability. It helps to restore movement and function in muscle tissue or joint area. Physiotherapy helps to prevent further damage in the affected area. Treatment should be done to support and manage good health and prevent disease. You can do physiotherapy treatment at home at any time and anywhere with a natural approach without any side effects with the help of an Ultracare Pro device which is tested and approved by a physiotherapist. To know:- https://ultracarepro.in/product/

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