I've had some pain in my glute areas down to my mid hamstring areas for the past 4-5 months. I've went to my family doctor twice but he brushes it off as normal and that I should just rest it. That is my probably my fault for not seeking another doctor. I am a little arrogant and lazy. I tried to wait it out with stretches, heating, and recently epson salt baths.

I think I'm going to visit another doctor soon, but I wanted to see what anyone else might think the problem is. It started hurting a long time ago when I was just taking a daily run on the track. It hurt in my left leg when I was running but I kept going, again my fault. The next day it began hurting terribly. After a couple days the pain went away and then it appeared in my right leg. Sometimes it won't hurt for a couple of days and then sometimes my elgs would switch off in pain. There was one time on july 4th, that my legs were hurting very much that I felt that it was unbearable to walk. Also, I use my computer very often and so I sit for long periods of time.

I'm fearing, since the pain hasn't gone away, that it could be a bad tear or something with the nerves. piriformis syndrome seems to be possible. I have to admit that I might have injrued them more when I go with my friends and play things like football. A lot of things require running and on the days I don't feel the pain very much I take a chance. In writing this, I see how stupid I have been in managing the injury to both my legs. Also, I have to mention that sometimes the pain is in my mid hamstring, to under my butt, or in the middle of my butt. I'd appreciate for anyone's input.

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