Brief Medical History Overview
lower back/bum/leg pain

Hi All,
New to this forum so any advice surrounding my problem or where better to look is much appreciated.
Basically about 5 weeks ago I developed a lower back pain over a few days, first noticed during a footy session but not enough to stop me at the time. I haven't been able to play since, haven't even been able to jog.
Initially it felt like something was pushing against my lower spine when i walked or moved my leg 50 degrees up (at any angle from my body), and it was uncomfortable to bend over/get in car/get in bed.
Now the pains moved to my left arse cheek and my leg (i think maybe my knee because of the overcompensated limping), but i still cant support my own bodyweight on my left leg comfortably.
Doctors took blood test and x-ray which showed nothing wrong, and he said should be better in a few weeks (been longer than that now).
Background is I play footy twice a week and had no problems before, strange that this happened though cos its not asif i suddenly pulled my back or anything.
Any advice on how to get better quick is much appreciated.
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