Brief Medical History Overview
Calf Injury

Hi All
New to this forum so hopefully i'll give you all enough info,
Basically last Monday (8 days ago) i played football for the first time in a while, following this my calfs were ok, the next day i went to then gym and did a set of weights on my calf. This made them a little tight and i knew i needed to rest them. However the next day when a little tipsy i slipped over, i think my leg ended straight out meaning my calf was probably over extended. Straight away there was pain and ever since i have been unable to walk properly.
The calf itself is v sore if pressed right in the centre, the bottom and top are not sore. I can stand on my toes, but there is a little pain. My main worry is i have done something more serious that a grade 1/2 pull. As i mentioned i cannot walk without putting my leg to the side to try and limit pain.
Does this sound like a fairly mild injury and i can expet to be able to walk normally soon? Or may it be more serious and i should push for a
MRI scan??
Any advice is most welcome.
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