Brief Medical History Overview
Pain in Tibia, just below knee
Hi, well I'm new to this website but i thought i should ask someone here with expertise before i proceed to the doctor. I do not know much about this so here goes:
For a few weeks now i have noticed a pain in my right leg, on the bone which i believe to be my Tibia. It is just below my knee cap and runs down about 3-4 cm. The pain has been increasing lately. I do perform moderate exercises and now will be taking a break for Christmas. I have noticed that it is slight swollen and it more painful towards the left hand side of the bone. It is slightly painful to touch, painful to tap and excruciating to accidentally bump into something quite hard.
Every time the pain starts again i put ice on it, I'm not sure but i would like some advice to what it might be. Please help, and thank you all so much for your time.
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