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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Delayed milestones 8 month old with torticollis

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation

    My 8 month old son is still not able to sit up, with or without support, and seems to have poor muscle tone.

    Other than a breech birth, pregnancy and birth went fine. The first 4 months of his life he received physical therapy for Wikipedia reference-linktorticollis, from which he recovered to the satisfaction of the pediatrician. We were warned that he might be a little late in reaching milestones because of the trouble with his neck. He was right on time with smiling, cooing, manipulating things with his hands, object permanence etc, and only a few weeks late in rolling over, so until he started going to daycare a few months ago, we didn't see a reason to be worried.

    Now that he is going to daycare, and I have been seeing him around other babies his age and younger, I feel more and more that something must be wrong. In these past few months I've seen the other babies advance from about his level to sitting, crawling, actively playing, while he never advanced beyond the stage resting on his elbows in prone position and rolling over.

    When I pull him up by his arms, he usually keeps his arms completely relaxed, and only moves his head up after some delay. He has never made an attempt to imitate a sound, expression or gesture, and only babbles when he seems to feel like it (though very elaborately). He can't sit up in a high chair for more than a few seconds before slumping, though he can sit on my lap for a long time if I support his sides. When I try to let him sit unaided, he supports himself with his arms for a few seconds, until he either topples sideways or slumps forward.

    He has never cried for attention, only when he's hungry or sick, he doesn't respond to pain (he just smiles when he bumps his head or when he gets his shots) he doesn't extend his arms to be picked up. He does struggle with visibly great effort to crawl towards a toy but just doesn't seem to have the strength, and eventually resorts to rolling sideways and shifting direction with his legs to get to the toy.

    When I talk to other young parents, and for example ask them what they did to teach their baby to sit or crawl or eat solids, they don't seem to understand what I mean. They just talk about how their kid simply started doing yet another new thing.

    Every time I've brought my concerns up with doctors, they say there is nothing to worry about and try to reassure me by saying some kids are just a little late. This does not reassure me. In our medical system a patient always has to go through weeks or months of reassurances before a problem is investigated and treated. They only see him for a few minutes, I see him every day, I can tell there is something wrong.

    I was wondering if someone here could suggest some tests I can do myself, so I can more specifically explain to the doctors what might be wrong. And perhaps there are some exercises I can do with him to strengthen his muscle tone?

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  2. #2

    Re: Delayed milestones 8 month old with torticollis

    Dear Eric,

    It is a pity that I have not seen this question before. I tend to look at the paediatric forum.
    I presume you will know more by now.
    As you can see I am dutch, I am a certified paediatric physiotherapist working in Holland and Spain.

    I find it peculiar, knowing how things work in Holland, that no-one seems to have taken your son's problem seriously.
    As a parent you have the right to be taken seriously. I presume you have been sent to a paediatrician.

    I can also imagine that you do not look at this site anymore. In the case that you do, feel free to email me personally if you have
    any questions.

    esther de ru

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    Re: Delayed milestones 8 month old with torticollis

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Dear Eric E

    mmmm...something is definitely not right...what happens if you carry you baby supported by his belly? is he floppy? by floppy i mean head and shoulders stay drooped or he raises his head up and arms?
    does your child know where his mouth is? do you see him trying to put stuff in it?
    by 6 months-ish children usually can sit...and they have begun to play in that position putting things in their mouth...
    Does your child show any recognision of you...ie...does he smile when he sees you? does he attempt to play with your face?

    I am not a peadiatric physiotherapist but your description suggests something is wrong...in the delay of motor and social milestones...

    Post this in pediatrics someone would be able to help you there...

    my advice, demand to see a pediatrician, perhaps a specialist in Cerebral Palsy and Autism


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